Stranger Things Analysis


The boys at the start are wearing casual 1980s clothing which suggest to the audience that the boys are lower class and not professional or serious about their job. This contrasts against the person in a white lab coat and this suggests that he is a professional scientist unlike the boys sitting in a basement playing a board game. The connotations of the white lab coat of the scientist shows that his is looking for perfection and peace which ironical compered to what happens to him


In the opening scene, the lighting was turquoise similar to the colour that is often used in hospitals. This shows that the scientist was potentially working on dissecting a animal or being in order to create something but that went wrong and it made the monster that he was running away from. The lights were also flashing and flickering which showed that something was going wrong or a alarm went off but also it raised the audiences heart beat making them want to stick to the show


The setting of the opening scene was a government lab which you could tell by the cleanliness of the place. The setting on the scene after was a basement which in most American houses is a scary place. This foreshadows the super nature later on in the trailer suggesting that it will follow one of them. This is then proven true by the scene where something jumps in front of the kid when he's riding his bike and gets knocked down into the forest where there is a sing that says restricted suggesting that the lab entrance might be there and the creature came out from there


The board game had a home made look to it presenting that the family doesn't have a lot of money. The lack of money is further shown when the farther is hitting the tv in order to make it work instead of hiring a professional


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