Denotation and Connotation



There is a kid that is sad. There is text that says dig toilets not graves. There is a logo that promotes the charity. There are houses behind him


The child is sad because he doesn't have clean water and one of his family members might of died because of a disease spread by dirty water. The houses look like they are made out of cheap material suggesting he is in a developing country


The advert helps the audience understand the struggle that people in developing countries go through so it would help them a lot if they had clean water to drink from. In addition, the text across the side of the advert (referring to a ‘graves’) uses seriousness to add to the struggle that people are going through. The author thinks that we should donate money to this charity in order to help out and potentially save lives.

McVitie's launches marketing campaign with Trevor McDonald | British Baker


There is a journalist called Trevor McDonald and he looks quite happy. On his desk there is a cup, some papers and a pack of digestives. There are also buildings in the background.


The journalist is happy presumably because of the digestives as being a journalist can be quite a boring job so he definitely wouldn't be smiling that much. The fact that there are some skyscraper in the background suggest that he is wealthy and can afford a flat in a large city


The advert shows the audience that all it takes to make a bad day good is a digestive and even if this might not be true in the audiences eyes it will remind them of the product when they aren't having the best day. In addition, the celebrity included in the advert will further engrave the advert into the back of the audiences head meaning that if they see digestives on a shelf in a shop ever they will think of buying them.


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